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Kizomba Passion classes include steps, connection, rithm, musicality, tips and tricks for leaders, tips and tricks for followers and a lot of exercises to integrate in your natural movements the Kizomba feeling.



In Kizomba there are three basic steps: basic 1, basic 2 and basic 3. You can learn them in one lesson and you can master them in a set of 10 lessons. Kizomba is however more than steps, Kizomba is a feeling, a flow.





Connection is everything. Without connection there is no couple dancing. You are never an expert in connection, you need to be a beginner all the time in order to be a master of connection.





Kizomba means party, so the main idea of Kizomba is to have fun, listen to the music, interpret it with your body and have fun. If somebody tells you, "but that's not Kizomba", tell him "I am listening to the music".





Saida means exit, so I will exit now this page leaving you wondering what Saida means. Join our classes to find out more.

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